Dyet - Color your folder icons Automatiaclly
🎉 Dyet is available on App Store now.
Dyet is a simple, native application that can dye your folder the color of its tags automatically.
All you need to do is to add the folders you want to dye to «Watched Folders», then whenever colored tags are assigned to any subfolders within these folders, Dyet will dye them instantly and automatically.
Why this?
It feels odd that Apple removed the background highlight while keeping the color option for tags.
Can I use Dyet for just one time?
By default, Dyet will watch the folders you added for future dyeing, but it also supports one-time dyeing: click the menu bar icon and select "Dye folders" to choose the folders you want to dye. After that, you can quit Dyet and the colored icons will be kept.
The basic colors are not enough
If you want to use other colors for tags, you can create «Color Overrides», which will override the default color of the tag.
You can choose to keep the icons or not when you try to remove the folders/color overrides in «Settings». This is introduced in v1.0.2.
Single Folder Restoration
Once all the colored tags are removed from the folder, Dyet will restore its icon to the original state.
You can also do this manually using the «Restore» button in the menu bar. Before that, you need to remove the folder that contains the folder you want to restore from the «Watched Folders» to avoid conflict.
If Restore does not work, you can use "Command + Shift + ." to show hidden files in Finder and delete the "icon?" file in the folder to remove the colored icon directly:
It takes time for Finder to update the icons on Desktop. Try to use "Get Info" on folders to check if the icons are truly updated. If they are, you can reload Desktop icons by typing "killall Finder" in Terminal. If not, feel free to file a bug report from the «Settings».
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